Embracing the Divine: Understanding the Role of God in Our Lives

Embracing the Divine: Understanding the Role of God in Our Lives

In my book Stop Hiding: Unlock Your Full Potential and Embrace the 5 Pillars of a Growth Mindset, I often refer to God because of the Divine’s significant role in my life. I believe in co-creating with God to fulfill His plan for my life. Embracing God’s light has been immensely valuable to me, and I feel compelled to share that light in the hope of illuminating paths for others.

Believing in God allows us to accept the existence of a universal and divine force that surpasses human understanding. Embracing faith enables us to extend our beliefs beyond our immediate experiences and put our trust in a higher order that guides and influences our lives. When I present my beliefs about God to you, I pray that if I encounter your truth, God will keep me there, and if I do not, may God lead me there.

I reference the works of Norman L. Geisler, theologian, philosopher, and author of many apologetic books, whose writings help to inform my questions about God. While I firmly believe in God without requiring any proof, many aspects of God remain a mystery to me; however, this does not weaken my faith. Instead, God’s mysterious nature humbles me and encourages me to seek the truth. I am committed to knowing God and sharing His presence in my life.

Who is this God that I feel compelled to talk about? I know Him as:


God is powerful. The argument from creation proves that God exists and possesses immense power. Only a God with incredible power could create and sustain the universe.


Scholars worldwide recognize that the universe’s design is far beyond anything humanity could devise. The argument from design shows us that whatever caused the universe must have great power and intelligence.

Morally Perfect

Morally Perfect: The existence of a moral law in the mind of a moral lawgiver indicates that God is a moral being by nature. He is morally perfect.


God is like breath to me; He is necessary and cannot be otherwise than He is. What He is, He must be.


To be necessary, God cannot come into being or cease to exist. Therefore, He must be eternal, having no beginning or end.


A necessary being is without limits, as nothing could limit it. God must be infinite.


Since God is a necessary being, He must be changeless. A necessary being cannot change into anything other than it is. Therefore, God is changeless.


Nothing can be divided unless it has the potential to be divided, which would involve change. But God has no potentiality and cannot change, so He cannot be divided.


God is unique, a class of One by definition. If there were two unlimited beings, how could you tell them apart?

Lord Over Creation

The argument from creation shows that the universe cannot explain its own existence—it is not God. God is the Lord over creation.

Same Yahweh in the Bible

God told Moses His name and said, “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14).

By understanding these attributes, we can better appreciate the divine presence in our lives and strive to align our actions with God’s will. Embracing God’s light and sharing it with others can illuminate paths and foster a deeper connection with the Divine. When we connect with God, His plans, goals, and values become ours.

Remember this: May knowing God be a part of your growth plan for life!

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