Growth Mindset : un·en·cum·bered

To be unencumbered means that you must have a growth mindset that permeates every aspect of your life. I believe that you can achieve your full potential when you overcome your limitations, doubts, and self-imposed restrictions.

Mentor to Sponsor: The Next Level for career advancement

A mentor can be a sponsor and vice versa. A sponsor reaches beyond giving feedback and advice and leverages power and influence to advocate for the mentee. Mentoring relationships can and do exist outside organizational contexts. However, formal mentoring often occurs inside organizations as part of a human resource initiative. Moreover, informal mentoring can have equally, if not more, significant benefits for protégés and mentors. The importance of “whom you know” when pursuing high-level positions within an organization will not be discounted by a sponsor.

African-American Women’s Mentoring Experience in Corporate America: Are we there yet?

The mentoring/sponsorship factor and the socially constructed realities for African-American women seeking advancement to senior leadership positions in corporate America. Some improvement has been made in African-American women’s advancement to senior leadership positions in corporate America since 2014 when I conducted my original qualitative research on African-American women’s lived experiences and advancement to senior leadership […]

We are not lost, we are here

We are here, clutching our portfolio and our baggage. We are here, dressed in our credentials accessorized in hoops and pearls.   We are here, brains stretched and flashing forward.  We are here, slipping out of our stilettos and into golf shoes.  We are here, coiffured or curly, confident in our skin.  We are here, sometimes […]

Where she creates

I am excited about the space I created in my home office to cultivate the proper energy and muse to stimulate creative thinking. I wanted meaningful artifacts to surround me, yet clutter-free to lessen distractions. I chose the color green because it is my favorite color and represents new beginnings and renewal. A month ago, […]