Is Peace Possible in Tumultuous Times?

Amidst barren landscapes and overflowing abundance, God remains steadfast, a constant source of strength and sustenance to those who seek Him. It’s in the quiet moments of reflection and the chaos of everyday life that we feel His presence most profoundly. God accompanies us through every peak of joy and valley of sorrow. He offers solace in times of need and rejoicing in moments of triumph. From the darkest nights to the brightest dawns, His unwavering light guides us through life’s tumultuous seas, offering reassurance that we are never alone.

Restoring Our Default Settings: A Spiritual Encounter

In our technologically advanced world, we’ve become accustomed to customizing settings on our devices and appliances to match our preferences. It’s great when it works, but sometimes, we change too many settings or the wrong settings, resulting in chaos. Similarly, in life, we often set our default values based on societal expectations and personal desires. […]

‘Flawless’- Not So Fast!

Embracing Imperfections: The Path to a Growth Mindset In a world often fixated on perfectionism, it is wise to think about the attributes of a growth mindset. As I point out in my book, “Stop Hiding: Unlock Your Full Potential and Embrace the 5 Pillars of a Growth Mindset,” our growth journey calls for trust […]

Rest not from duty, but rest in it…

Daybreak. Fog swirled over the peaks of White Tank Mountains appearing as spun cotton. The white floss surrendered to the gray sky coming together to create an Ansel Adamesque portrait of land that meets the sky. I met the morning with gratitude. Earlier in the week I cracked open a fortune cookie left over from our Chinese […]