Black History Selection

Both my father and father-in-law served in the United States Military. John Nolan, my dad was a soldier in the Korean war, and Mayweather Lee did a tour in France during World War II. My sons are U.S. military veterans. The former endured discrimination and subjugation so the latter could serve in a more integrated […]
An ode to the television event!

Television has made us lazy. There, I said it! I know it appears that I am throwing shade at T.V. watchers, so I apologize in advance. I apologize to myself because I watch way too much T.V. I feel lazy. I know that there are other things I could be doing, like exploring creative outlets, […]
What’s in a book?

What’s in a book? If you read close enough perhaps you may discover YOU in the text. What makes me cry, laugh, gasp in awe, or wrinkle my forehead when reading a text? I submit, something in the text tickled or assaulted my emotions to the point I am acutely aware I have engaged the […]
School Days: Impact Moments

The past is beautiful because one never realizes an emotion at the time. It expands later, and thus we don’t have complete emotions about the present, only about the past. -Virginia Woolf
Bounce Back Ability

November 7, 2021 I don’t know about you, but I have suffered breaks in my stride many times throughout my life. I’ve been down, both fallen and kicked (for real). I have experienced set-backs and set-ups; I have smashed and slammed into brick walls. I have taken the proverbial walk of two steps forward and […]
Holy holler!

Holy Holler! October 23, 2021 Today, while writing I tuned to the Marvin Gaye station streaming on Pandora. Marvin, the trailblazing singer, songwriter and performer, broke conventional boundaries in the 70s at Tamla Motown by excelling in all three genres. As I listen to his music today, I have given him another title, that of […]