We are not lost, we are here

We are here, clutching our portfolio and our baggage. We are here, dressed in our credentials accessorized in hoops and pearls. We are here, brains stretched and flashing forward. We are here, slipping out of our stilettos and into golf shoes. We are here, coiffured or curly, confident in our skin. We are here, sometimes […]
An ode to the television event!

Television has made us lazy. There, I said it! I know it appears that I am throwing shade at T.V. watchers, so I apologize in advance. I apologize to myself because I watch way too much T.V. I feel lazy. I know that there are other things I could be doing, like exploring creative outlets, […]
Power up your writing using the right words!

November 2, 2021 “You can’t write without living fully…” – Monica Wood I agree with the quote. Living fully contributes to rich and deep writing. Personal experiences open the mind to possibilities; many are recorded on a writer’s page. Having said that, someone can be the most profound thinker on the planet, the most traveled, […]