Rest not from duty, but rest in it…

Rest not from duty, but rest in it…

Daybreak. Fog swirled over the peaks of White Tank Mountains appearing as spun cotton. The white floss surrendered to the gray sky coming together to create an Ansel Adamesque portrait of land that meets the sky. I met the morning with gratitude.

Earlier in the week I cracked open a fortune cookie left over from our Chinese dinner to access the hidden treasure inside. The note read, “Rest not from duty, but rest in it.” These words resonated with me. What might have begun as an ordinary errand day quickly became a mission to embrace duty and find joy in it.

Delight accompanied me to pick up bread from a local bakery. A “forno,” is a place where a merchant provides both bread and pastries. My Daddy’s Italian Bakery features an illustration covering its window bearing the words, “thank you for not dieting.” My smile opens up. Once inside I breathe in the smell of fresh espresso and baked bread. The atmosphere reminds me of the fornos and pasticcerias we came across during our trip abroad to Florence, Italy. A noisy hum of patrons choosing their delicacies induced an abundance of adrenaline and makes me purchase more cannoli than I intended.

Next, I shopped at a local butcher. The smell was quite different from the bakery, albeit still fresh. I loved selecting filets and chicken breasts, them being carefully chosen and wrapped in white butcher paper like a gift. On to Sprouts Farmers Market. It was quiet inside. A few customers milled around. With the isles clear it was easy to direct myself to what I needed. I browsed its isles for brown rice, broth, and other staples. I strolled over as if to promenade to the cheese cooler for Boursin cheese ( its great in an omelet). I picked, pinched, and squeezed fruits and vegetables to select the perfect compliments for our meals. I carried out a couple more tasks before making my trip back home.

Rain drizzled on my windows during the ride home. I drove slowly over the wet pavement. Norah Jones and Coltrane soothed any anxiety about driving on the slick surface. I focused my eyesight in front of me. Off in the horizon, I met full joy. Valley fog nestled between the hills and mountains reminded me of the presence of God hovering over the earth.

The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness therein.

1 Corinthians 10:26

My joy was complete. I think it could have been possible to write this off an ordinary event, however, my experience was everything not ordinary. The decision to rest in duty and not from it made me more aware and ushered me into my happy place, the presence of God.

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