
The Jocelyn Nolan Lee Blog is a sanctuary designed to help women unlock their fullest potential through the magic of self-discovery and transformative thought. My ultimate goal is to lead you on a transformative journey where you’ll harness your inner power and unlock the limitless opportunities that await you. Let’s join forces to build an unshakeable belief in ourselves and nurture a growth mindset that fuels our progress. Together, we’ll overcome challenges and shape the life we’ve always wanted. Prepare to embark on a life-changing journey of self-discovery, where you’ll reveal your true potential and seize the incredible life waiting for you.

Jocelyn Nolan Lee


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Is Peace Possible in Tumultuous Times?

Amidst barren landscapes and overflowing abundance, God remains steadfast, a constant source of strength and sustenance to those who seek Him. It’s in the quiet moments of reflection and the chaos of everyday life that we feel His presence most profoundly. God accompanies us through every peak of joy and valley of sorrow. He offers solace in times of need and rejoicing in moments of triumph. From the darkest nights to the brightest dawns, His unwavering light guides us through life’s tumultuous seas, offering reassurance that we are never alone.

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Growth Mindset

Merry Christmas!

The Endless Gift! As we approach the joyous season of Christmas, I want to take a moment to reflect on

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Growth Mindset

The Loads We Carry

When we find ourselves carrying the heavy loads of life–responsibilities, expectations, challenges, and even self-doubt, embracing a growth mindset can

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Growth Mindset


“Be available to the things themselves; to the fresh voice, the strangest voice, your unalienated voice; for it sounds different

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Growth Mindset

Is It Worth It?

Considering the long-term effects and repercussions, thinking deeply about our choices is essential. If we want to make the best decisions for our future, we should ask ourselves if our choices align with our values and beliefs. Resisting temptation and acting with restraint is associated with impulse control. Controlling emotions, desires, and behaviors requires self-control.

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Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset: Put Your Records On!

Perhaps, like me, you are at a point in your life where you are contemplating your next steps. Please remember that this is only the beginning of the next phase. The singer’s lyrics encourage a growth mindset: we can attain anything by taking action, learning from our errors, and striving to develop and progress. We can achieve our objectives by concentrating on the journey rather than the destination.

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Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset : un·en·cum·bered

To be unencumbered means that you must have a growth mindset that permeates every aspect of your life. I believe that you can achieve your full potential when you overcome your limitations, doubts, and self-imposed restrictions.

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Mentoring Practice

Mentor to Sponsor: The Next Level for career advancement

A mentor can be a sponsor and vice versa. A sponsor reaches beyond giving feedback and advice and leverages power and influence to advocate for the mentee. Mentoring relationships can and do exist outside organizational contexts. However, formal mentoring often occurs inside organizations as part of a human resource initiative. Moreover, informal mentoring can have equally, if not more, significant benefits for protégés and mentors. The importance of “whom you know” when pursuing high-level positions within an organization will not be discounted by a sponsor.

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Where she creates

I am excited about the space I created in my home office to cultivate the proper energy and muse to

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Viral Viability

If you are looking for brand sustainability, to build relationships and drive traffic for the long haul, consider my tips for Viral Viability.

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Across Central

Safety and security dominated my will and hovered over my dreams. So, each year I cocooned myself in a comfortable environment. After nearly five years and life changes, I am compelled to leave all that is familiar for uncertainty and discomfort.

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What’s in a book?

What’s in a book? If you read close enough perhaps you may discover YOU in the text. What makes me

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School Days: Impact Moments

The past is beautiful because one never realizes an emotion at the time. It expands later, and thus we don’t have complete emotions about the present, only about the past. -Virginia Woolf

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Bounce Back Ability

November 7, 2021 I don’t know about you, but I have suffered breaks in my stride many times throughout my

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Holy holler!

Holy Holler! October 23, 2021 Today, while writing I tuned to the Marvin Gaye station streaming on Pandora. Marvin, the

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Are we free yet?

Do you remember when you were a young child taking family road trips to another city or state? Do you

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